As part of their leading edge approach, iQmetrix knows the importance of ensuring that companies remain innovative and sustainable for years to come. In order to achieve these goals within its own organization, iQmetrix has chosen to address its corporate carbon footprint and restore habitat in Canada with us.
The first step in their holistic approach was having its “iQ Green Team” members attend Climate Smart training in Vancouver. It is a program to help BC organizations assess their greenhouse gas output and define reduction strategies. The inventory completed in 2011included the following areas: total heat and electrical use; total goods transportation by air and road; estimated garbage sent to landfill; estimated paper use; and total air travel for all offices. Based on the data collected from these areas, it was determined that iQmetrix produced about 50 tonnes of greenhouse gases in 2011. And because of the company's commitment to reducing its footprint, iQmetrix received Climate Smart Certification in December 2012.
In order to minimize the impacts of its corporate carbon footprint while employees work to reduce it, iQmetrix is purchasing carbon credits from our forests. They completed the purchase of 52 Carbon Plus Credits from John’s Forest to successfully face their 2011 footprint. And the iQ Green Team is hard at work to calculate the company’s emissions for 2012.
iQmetrix has also been named as one of the 50 Best Small & Medium Employers in Canada by the Queen's University School of Business and AonHewitt for three years in a row. To ensure their own staff receives eco-recognition for a job well done, iQmetrix has chosen to create its own virtual forest, which will enable each employee to have a tree planted and cared for in their honour. This choice supports the restoration of habitat through the planting of trees in Alberta’s boreal region.
What does iQmetrix do? With a passion for creating enjoyable and interactive retail experiences for both the retailer and customer, iQmetrix has developed innovative, convenient and user-friendly technology, paving the way towards a more engaging and successful way to shop. Whether you’re looking to integrate product and inventory information via in-store touchscreen, or seeking ways to increase the efficiency and profitability of the Point of Sale transactions, iQmetrix offers two comprehensive software solutions, which can be tailored to meet the needs of any business.
To learn more about iQmetrix and their fresh approach to retail, please visit:
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Day 10
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